Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I Know What I Did Last Summer...

... and it wasn't as much ARTWORK as i had hoped!!! Man, this blog sure is "dusty"! Well, i guess between the job and parenting i kinda let the drawing fall to the side for a bit-- but i DID draw some stuff here and there just never got the time to scan anything in till now. Surprisingly, i did get to catch the summer hit movies including IRON MAN, THE INCREDIBLE HULK, and of course, THE DARK KNIGHT. Last i heard, The Dark Knight has earned $921.7 million worldwide and has climbed to the 9th spot on the all-time worldwide blockbuster list!!! (without Bat-Nipples!) Anyways, much of my scribblin' comes from the characters that received the big screen treatment this summer... and as the fall begins i'm hoping this blog of mine gets more attention by way of more posting.... let's see what happens!!!




Blogger The Keeper's Notes said...

When I saw your comments on my blog, I stopped for a second than it dawned on me...Charles must have a new post up!! It's about time!! LOVE the Iron Man and the Hulk..the Hulk looks like an old Kirby pose...let's see these inked!!!! and colored!!! or at least some more regular postings! I'll draw the soldiers shooting aliens and you draw the superheroes! Deal? Deal!

12:30 AM  
Blogger Jason Quinones said...

awesome dynamic poses here chuck!

LOVE that iron man one the best!! great pose and feel and you gotta show me how you produce that sepia tone paper look!! i know you mentioned once you just used some ps filters to produce it but damn if it doesn't make everything look 100 times better!!

not that your stuff needs the help as its already pretty bad ass!

i agree with justin, as soon as i saw that hulk i thought kirby.

and that summer blockbuster jam is cool too. the big hulk face looks very joe madurera. (prob spelled that wrong!)

great work!!

11:33 AM  
Blogger Gerald de Dios said...

THose are wicked sketches and poses!

7:04 PM  
Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

awesomely inspired as usual Chuck...
seriouslyly loving the Kirby homage to Hulk as well...
but where's the Joker? I'd love to see
your Valderrammacized take on Ledger....

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like these Charles...love the Kirby-esque Hulk. Saw that movie on a flight from DR on the plane and I thought it was so stupid. Really...
I mean it was entertaining, but, what a piece of crap. Love the composition and energy of your batman with his arms spread out. Hey ink these up, dude, I bet you they'll look awesome!

9:17 AM  

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